Sell My Children

Sell My Children allows dissatisfied parents to trade their substandard children in for enhanced children who are more suited to their needs. Better yet, parents who have changed their minds and no longer want to keep their children can trade their children for cold, hard cash! You can get rid of your annoying children. You can get rid of your dumb children. You can get rid of your ugly children. Just keep your favorite kids, and trade the undesirable children in for cash. For those who aren’t interested in money and just want to upgrade, you can trade in your mediocre children to offset the cost of a premium child. If you have enough mediocre children, they may add up to one premium child. Who knows, you may even get cash back and a premium child! If you are in the market for substandard children, take advantage of our Two for Tuesday sales where you can get two substandard children for the price of one substandard child. Two for Tuesday sales cannot be applied to premium children. Parents who have sold their children through Sell My Children (dot com) are happier without their obnoxious kids ruining their lives and distracting them from true happiness. Parents who have sold their children with the Sell My Children organization have also become famously rich. Parents who bought their kids through the Sell My Children organization have often traded in lesser models for high performance children at a fraction of the cost of the competition. If you fail to take advantage of our child consignment services, you might be stuck with your abhorrent child for years to come. Those who fail to apply for an upgraded child may be stuck with a boring, dumb, ugly, or otherwise undesirable child for years to come. Most importantly, those who fail to sell their children with us won’t get filthy rich. Get rich by selling your children. Sell your children Now!